Andrew Serpas

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“I remember watching Seinfeld just the other night with my fiancée. It was a normal night just like every other night, only this simple moment sticks out because of what lies beneath.

It was something that Kramer did on the show that made us both roar with laughter. I remember looking at her after calming down and thinking to myself, “I am so thankful that I get to grow old with this woman and share moments like this for the rest of my life.” I knew once again in that moment that the person beside me was the one that was made just for me by God.

Earlier that same day, my daughters were playing while I was working, and my 4 year old came up to me out of nowhere, gave me a big “squeeze”, and told me, “I love you so much, Daddy” in a low, sincere voice. At that moment, everything else going on in my head disappeared.

I want to feel the way I felt in those 2 simple moments for as many years as possible. I also don’t want to strip away the opportunity from my loved ones being able to share those moments with me by being reckless on the job. This is why safety is always my top priority. ”


Hunter Morgan


Cody Schwing