Lauren Brizendine

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“I recently had the opportunity to take my marketing and design job in safety apparel to the extreme by climbing up a wind turbine as part of a research and development trip. It was taxing in every way possible.

It was physical - climbing 83-ish meters (a hair under 300 feet) up a ladder with an extra 30 lbs of safety gear as a 40-year-old…is tough.

It was emotional - being the only woman on a job tough.

And it was mentally challenging - Having to stop halfway because I'm a 40-year-old woman climbing a ladder 83 ish meters up a wind turbine and not sure if I could do tough.

The reason why this experience mattered to me is because I made it to the top. I did it! I persevered. Whatever you are going through, you got this. Whatever it is you think you can't, you can.

In a world full of discouragement and moments that test you, remember to be your own cheerleader. Believe in yourself, and conquer your Everest. I did, and despite all the challenges, I have no regrets. Who knows? If the apparel thing doesn't work out, perhaps I have a future as a wind tech!”

P.S. - Lauren hosts the Safety And… Podcast that recently featured Moments That Matter founder Cody Schwing! Be sure to check out Cody and Lauren discussing Lessons in Business and Life, Bringing Workers of Today and Tomorrow Home Safely, The Importance of Finding Your Why, and more - Safety And… Episode 14 | Safety and Purpose


Rebecca Bedell


Jimmy Schwing