Rebecca Bedell

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“As a safety professional, I’ve heard people’s stories and their experiences with accidents and fatalities. So, I’ve spent the last several years trying to be “present” and in the moment as much as possible. It’s always been a struggle for me and I know I'm not alone in that struggle. 

About 6 months ago I was in a car accident. It was an accident most people don’t walk away from. But, I walked away with only a bruise. The only thing I could think was “Thank God my kids weren’t in the car.” And so, this accident made living in the present a lot easier. Now I know, the moments that matter - are really all the moments. They are the moments that are happening right there, in the present. 
As much as I look forward to hearing my kids laugh and smile - I hope that my job will allow me to send people home so they can experience the same thing. “


Skyler Perkins


Lauren Brizendine